Images and logotypes

The images in our media archive are free to use as long as the photographer's and Harry Holm's names are given. Click on the title of each image to download a high-resolution version. When using enter (Photo: Harry Holms / photographer's name).

You can also download our logotype. The logo can only used with the approval of Harry Holms.

Pressbild 2

Photo: Caroline Dahlén

Pressbild 3

Photo: Caroline Dahlén

Pressbild 4

Photo: Caroline Dahlén

Pressbild 5

Photo: Caroline Dahlén

Pressbild 6

Photo: Caroline Dahlén

Pressbild 7

Photo: Caroline Dahlén

Pressbild 8

Photo: Caroline Dahlén

Pressbild 9

Photo: Caroline Dahlén